So Tired – The Crohn’s Saga Part 10

So Tired depicts my relationship with sleep these days. I don’t know if it’s the prednisone, Crohn’s Disease, depression, or the fact that I overthink everything, but I’m not sleeping well. During the day, I’m exhausted and every third thought is about going back to bed. But, the second I switch the light off, my mind fires up into overdrive. It’s like every thought I push aside to remain functional during the day reclaims its space at night. I’m jealous of how easily and how often my dog sleeps. She’s the master.

Indifferent Bird – The Crohn’s Saga Part 11

Indifferent Bird depicts the nights I spend awake thinking about Crohn’s. I usually can’t sleep, so I often sit outside on my balcony listening to music and thinking about everything that’s going on. It’s good for me. I recharge. I ready myself. Every once in a while, I see animals while I’m out at night. Usually rats and pigeons, but sometimes rabbits and opossums. This night, I was particularly far into my head when a robin landed on the rail and sat there for quite a while. I felt like it was a sign that the universe had my back and was supporting me. I tried talking to the bird and offering it a chip, but it just sat there and stared. Eventually, it flew away and I was left feeling more alone than I had before. Thanks universe!

Authentic Perfume Commercial – All Sorts

I don’t understand perfume or cologne commercials. The whole point is to smell nice, right? So why the hell do they always depict some stupid drama with rich celebrities in Paris? Or some stupid weird mysterious adventure? I don’t want to smell like Johnny Depp treasure hunting in the desert. That sounds awful when you really think about it. I’d prefer to smell distinct and pleasant. So, here’s my attempt at a perfume commercial I’d actually like to see.