The Prophecy – Relationships

I bet I’m the only one in my family to remember this. I got engaged last year and I think about this at least twice a week. At first, I used to take a sort of amused pride in it, but now I have an abstract fear that something someone I’ve never met said will hold true. I hope being smart and getting married aren’t mutually exclusive.

Meeting the Family – Relationships

What do you say when meeting the family? Not this apparently. About a year ago, my fiancé’s grandparents had a barbecue, so I met the bulk of her family all at once. I remembered that she’d been raised Fundamentalist, but I guess I didn’t realize how strict they were. My bad. They were angry. I was unsettled. My fiancé and her sister thought it was hilarious. Life goes on.

Insecurities – Relationships

Before I learned to hold back and keep my mouth shut, the “Insecurities” scenario used to happen to me a lot. When I finished my degree in Philosophy, I thought I might want to continue on in Psychology. To go that route, I needed to complete a few required courses first. To take those, I could either go back to undergrad or stay in Belgium and study Couples Counseling/Sex Therapy. Kind of a no-brainer, right? Either way, when I moved back home and people asked me what I’d studied, all they ever seemed to hear was sex. Men tended to get insecure and defensive. Women tended to open up and tell me the most intimate details of their lives, despite my insistence that I wasn’t a professional and I didn’t want to hear it. So, after a while, I just left it at Philosophy. This was met with either a rolling of the eyes or some vague recollection about a course they’d once taken. Their loss. I think Philosophy is super sexy.

Breakfast – Relationships

You know how it goes. You cook breakfast or dinner for your significant other, but they’re late so you’re just sitting there looking at and smelling the food. I cook a mean breakfast and the temptation was too hard to resist. What I never told her is that the last pancake went to the dog.

I promise, I’m better at relationships than my comics make me out to be. At least I hope so anyway.