Compulsions – Relationships

Compulsions are like itches waiting to be scratched. They’ll drive you crazy until they’re satisfied.

My wife and I have been living together for over four years now. Every night, she applies lotion and every single time I see it, that line from The Silence of the Lambs pops into my head. I don’t know where it comes from or why, but it always does. I try to hold it in because I know she hates it, but sometimes I succumb. It annoys her greatly, but the compulsion is there every single time and it feels sooooo good to let it out.

So yeah, I’m lucky she’s still with me.

First Crush – Relationships

Karen Allen was absolutely my first crush. I remember watching Raiders of the Lost Ark as a little kid and thinking that I liked her differently somehow, even though I wasn’t sure what that meant. And why shouldn’t I have liked her? She’s a badass in that movie. She wins a drinking contest by feigning to be drunk, she fights the bad guys in the streets of Egypt with a frying pan, she manipulates Belloq so she can escape, she mans the machine gun in the airplane, and she punches Indiana Jones in the face because he was a jerk to her in the past. And she’s very pretty with a hell of a smile. In terms of first crushes, I could have done a lot worse.

Some men out there are into women that they can control. They want a pet who will always look good and always defer to whatever the man wants. Other men want a woman who will take care of them and tell them what to do. Neither of those types of relationships has ever been for me. As long as I can remember, I wanted a partner. I wanted to meet a woman with a strong sense of self and I wanted a relationship in which we both challenge each other to be our best selves. Luckily, I got what I wanted.