The IBD Siren – The Crohn’s Saga Part 4

In IBD Siren, IBD stands for inflammatory bowel disease. Siren signifies Siren’s song, as in it lures you in with goodness then destroys you. Coffee is one of these. Fun fact – coffee can cause diarrhea, light-headedness, and the shakes. It is poison during a Crohn’s flare and it is dangerous for anyone with IBD or IBS period. However, it’s so good, so who cares?

Prednisone – The Crohn’s Saga Part 5

Prednisone is an anti-inflammatory steroid. It often leaves the user with an uncomfortable amount of energy and causes trouble sleeping. It is sometimes used to treat inflammations that occur with allergies or asthma. In Crohn’s, it is used to boost other medicines and help them be more effective. The side effects are rough. Users often experience lots of energy, heartburn, acid reflux, acne, and insomnia. Longterm, it can lead to weakened bones, so if you’re on it, take calcium supplements. It can also kill the attention span and make the user irritable as hell. So, it’s great for chores but bad for relationships.

You’re on Your Own, Kid – Let’s Go to School in Belgium

You’re on Your Own, Kid depicts one of my first and most vivid impressions of grad school in Belgium. As an undergrad, I used to hang out with professors a lot. We’d cook out or go to a bar, and discuss what we were learning. In Belgium however, professors are much more aloof. One professor in particular was notorious for making students buy him a pack of cigarettes as the fee for a meeting. I quickly learned to rely on myself and my cohort in order to stay above water.

First Job, First Day – Work

First Job, First Day depicts my first day at my first real job. I was excited and my expectations were high, but the company did not reciprocate. Once again, no exaggerations here at all. This company was very successful, but they treated their employees like kindergartners. Most people quit in under two years. I stayed for six.