Offensive Spoon – Relationships

Relationships can be great, but moving in together is always an adjustment. It’s the little things that catch you off guard. Case in point, my fiancé didn’t grow up in a household that had a dishwasher. She is used to stacking dishes in the sink, then washing them all at once. I was raised in a household with a dishwasher, so I am used to rinsing off dirty dishes and putting them in the dishwasher immediately after I eat. Our current apartment has a dishwasher and I’m in charge of doing the dishes. Imagine my frustration when I unload the dishwasher and put everything away, then turn around a see a dirty little jerk spoon lying there mocking me and my efforts to keep the kitchen clean.

I always try to warn couples moving in together that they will be caught off guard at how strongly they feel about little things they’ve never even thought about simply because they’ve never been around anyone who does the same thing differently. Do you floss before or after you brush? Do you blow your nose with kleenex or toilet paper? Do you put tin foil under cookies when you are baking or do you lie them directly on the pan? How many times do you hit the snooze button in the morning before you get out of bed? Do you have the t.v. or radio on in the morning, or do you like it quiet? What’s the right temperature to set on the thermostat? Do you clip your nails into a wastebasket or into the toilet? How do you fold your clothes?

In healthy relationships, you can talk about these things. You can laugh at them. You can try to convince the other that your way is the correct way, but if you can’t, you can chalk it up to a quirk that makes them them. In unhealthy relationships, these little things can be the spark that ignites the breakup. I love my relationship and I’ve learned to live with the occasional offensive spoon. I hope she’s learned to live with my liberal snooze bar usage.

Relaxation Trip? – The Crohn’s Saga Part 55

Not a very funny one today, is it? I’m sorry. The non-Crohn’s comics are intended to be funny and I try to make the Crohn’s ones mildly amusing at least, but sometimes there simply isn’t humor to be found in this. Sometimes there is no relief.

One of things people miss about Crohn’s is that, during a flare, it is a constant onslaught. We feel sick all the time, and between the poor health and the medication, we aren’t able to enjoy the stress relievers that work for healthy people. Fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, and arthritis eliminate exercise as a possibility. Medicines, nausea, and acid reflux make drinking unpleasant. Prednisone kills your attention span, so meditation, reading, and video games are out. And for me, arthritis and the cyclosporine shakes made even browsing the internet tough.

At this point, I was so tired of being sick and so stressed at the lack of progress, that I desperately needed some relief. I needed an escape. Especially having been off work for 4 months and being trapped in my apartment, I was starting to feel like I was going to pop. A relaxation trip wasn’t in the cards though. I took comfort in my observation that it hurt my doctor to say no. I know the humanity in her wanted to say yes. But, she did the right thing. I probably was too sick.

6/12/17 Update: Hoot Deconstructed is Going on Hiatus, But We’ll Be Back Soon

I’m sad to announce that Hoot Deconstructed will be taking a break for a few weeks. I’ve been sick for over two years now and, this Tuesday 6/13, I’ll be having another surgery. I’m not sure how long it will take me to recover, but I will be back drawing, writing, and posting as soon as I can. In the meantime, please learn about Crohn’s Disease, and enjoy the archives.

I’ll be back soon…