6/12/17 Update: Hoot Deconstructed is Going on Hiatus, But We’ll Be Back Soon

I’m sad to announce that Hoot Deconstructed will be taking a break for a few weeks. I’ve been sick for over two years now and, this Tuesday 6/13, I’ll be having another surgery. I’m not sure how long it will take me to recover, but I will be back drawing, writing, and posting as soon as I can. In the meantime, please learn about Crohn’s Disease, and enjoy the archives.

I’ll be back soon…

Schedule Update


I’m announcing a new schedule for Hoot Deconstructed. I will now be posting to The Crohn’s Saga every M/W and other categories T/TH. There will be no posts on Fridays. I hate to do it, but I’ve been struggling juggling mending from surgery, getting back to work, and maintaining the quality of these posts. Enjoy your weekends everyone!



Taking A (Hopefully) Short Break

Hello Readers,

I’ve been very sick again for the last two weeks and I’m struggling to juggle writing with my job. As such, I need to take a break for a bit until I can recover. I’ll be back as soon as I can and with more material.

