Diets – Work

This comic features the same characters from Impaired, so you’re seeing an exchange between the director of finance (the guy) and a low-level employee (the lady). You already know by now that the culture at that company was awful, so I won’t beat it to death. Frankly, it isn’t worth my time to even think about that place anymore. However, I learned a lot from it. I saw things like this on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. It taught me what to look for when assessing the health of a company culture. It taught me that title doesn’t always coincide with the ability or capacity to lead. I learned how to never treat people. I write these so I never forget and I never become that way.

Vomit Beard – The Crohn’s Saga Part 61

I took advantage of being on disability last year by growing a beard. You see, due to the Crohn’s, I’ve always had to work at larger corporate jobs for the insurance. These jobs have all come with dress codes and a required level of personal appearance that led me to believe that it wouldn’t be ok to go through the scraggly phase. So, since I was off indefinitely, I thought it was time.

As you see in the comic, the beard served two purposes. First, it was fun. All men secretly want to try to grow out their facial hair just to see what it would be like. The scraggly phase is just so gross though that most of us get self conscious and give up. Secondly, I was still on a lot of prednisone at the time and that bloats the heck out of my face. The beard provided a nice cover so I didn’t have to be embarrassed.

It actually really was fun aside from the whole vomiting thing.

Foodie Paradise – All Sorts

I’m starting to burn out on living in the city, so this is a conversation that happens in my home about once a week. Don’t get me wrong, I love where I live, but I’m getting tired of being constantly surrounded by people. I’m tired of the sounds and smells, and I miss peace and quiet. I love the idea of having a backyard where I can relax in private and my dog can play off-leash. I love the idea of being surrounded by trees that are thriving and not sickly/gasping for air. I love the idea of hearing birds instead of cars, and smelling fresh air instead of garbage and urine.

However, my fiancé is basically a hobbit. No, I don’t mean that she’s short and fat with hairy feet. Well, she is on the shorter side, but she’s actually in great shape and quite pretty. No hairy feet either. Instead, what I mean is that food is one of the central preoccupations of her life. She loves to cook and she loves to eat. It’s one of the few uncomplicated pleasures she has. So, whenever I bring up the idea of moving out of the city and into the suburbs, this is her response. I’m not as big of a foodie as she is, but it’s always been enough to convince me.

Who knows, maybe Hoot Deconstructed will take off enough at some point that I could afford a little cabin in the woods somewhere. The dog and I can play outside, and my fiancé could cook whatever she pleases as often as she wants. Maybe someday…

The IBD Siren Part 5 – The Crohn’s Saga Part 62

In case you’re new or you’ve forgotten, The IBD Siren series focuses on foods that are tempting, yet terrible for people with Crohn’s Disease. Eggs are definitely on that list. You wouldn’t think so, right? They’re simple, natural, and a good source of protein. However, a lot of people are allergic to eggs. Even if you aren’t though, if you have Crohn’s, they’re a bad idea.

You see, Crohn’s is an autoimmune disorder. It can trigger inflammation for even the mildest of irritants. So, even if you aren’t usually allergic to eggs, they can still give you a stomach ache or diarrhea. I can usually eat them when I’m healthy, but when I’m having a flare, they are bad news.

Just another fun thing us Crohnies have to deal with.