Sheets – All Sorts

I’ve spent a lot of time on the internet looking for queen-sized Star Wars sheets, but I’ve never found any. It really bothers me. It’s not fair. I don’t know why, but when you grow up, they take away all of the fun stuff.

My wife and I were discussing the idea of comfort clothes the other day. Most of us have some article of clothing that for some reason makes us feel safer and more confident when we’re wearing it. Hoot Deconstructed is a judgement-free zone, so I’ll confess that I have three t-shirts that I wear when I’m feeling like I need a boost. In no particular order, they are of Sartre, Sisyphus, and E.T. Try to make fun of me if you want, but I’m Superman when I’m wearing one of those bad boys.

Star Wars sheets would be fun. They’d make me feel better at the end of a long day. But no, I’m an adult, so I have to settle for beige, cream, or grey. Whoopty Doo. Maybe the world would be a better place if we could all just be goofballs and take ourselves less seriously a bit more often. So, if anyone out there in internetland knows where to find queen-sized Star Wars sheets, please share!


Quantum Dog – All Sorts

First off, I’m fully aware that “Quantum Dog” makes me look like a pretentious gasbag. However, I try to be accurate here at Hoot Deconstructed and that really is what I was discussing with my dog when I got that fella’s attention. We can’t control the content of our wandering minds and I just think about stuff like that sometimes, so deal with it.

“Quantum Dog” is really about those little conversations we have with our pets when no one else is around. I talk to Hurley a lot when we’re alone. She’s just good company. Sometimes she even cocks her head side-to-side in that way that terriers do when they’re trying to understand to you. That counts as engagement, right?

Anyway, sometimes I forget we’re in public when I’m walking her and I continue talking to her out loud. It’s caused some confusion before and it’s definitely made me look like an idiot or a nutjob. At least I’ve seen other dog owners do the same thing, so I know it’s not just me.

Oh, and to you non-pet owners – yes, us pet talkers are aware of how silly we’re being, but no, we’ll never stop. Even if our pets don’t understand the content of what we’re saying, it’s still a bonding thing.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to take some time today to be grateful for the good things in your life. I’m grateful for my health, my family, my friends, my wife, and of course, my dog. I’ve also kind of always wanted to try my hand at writing too, so I’m grateful for this site and for you, my readers. Life’s always a little better with gratitude.