Quantum Dog – All Sorts

First off, I’m fully aware that “Quantum Dog” makes me look like a pretentious gasbag. However, I try to be accurate here at Hoot Deconstructed and that really is what I was discussing with my dog when I got that fella’s attention. We can’t control the content of our wandering minds and I just think about stuff like that sometimes, so deal with it.

“Quantum Dog” is really about those little conversations we have with our pets when no one else is around. I talk to Hurley a lot when we’re alone. She’s just good company. Sometimes she even cocks her head side-to-side in that way that terriers do when they’re trying to understand to you. That counts as engagement, right?

Anyway, sometimes I forget we’re in public when I’m walking her and I continue talking to her out loud. It’s caused some confusion before and it’s definitely made me look like an idiot or a nutjob. At least I’ve seen other dog owners do the same thing, so I know it’s not just me.

Oh, and to you non-pet owners – yes, us pet talkers are aware of how silly we’re being, but no, we’ll never stop. Even if our pets don’t understand the content of what we’re saying, it’s still a bonding thing.

Naps – Lessons from Hurley

My dog Hurley naps a lot. Like a lot a lot. She gets at least 4-5 good ones in every day. I’m not saying I nap that often or that you should nap that often, but I do think our culture seriously neglects the simple pleasure of a good nap.

One of my first memories occurred when I was around 3 or 4. I was at my grandparents’ house playing in the living room when my grandpa got up and announced that he was going upstairs to take a nap. I laughed at him and called him silly. I hated having to take naps and I couldn’t understand why an adult would ever do such a thing unforced. In hindsight, my grandpa was a genius.

Adulthood comes with a lot of responsibilities and a lot of commitments. Down time is rare and if you’re like me, you waste it up in your head thinking about what you need to do next. Hurley doesn’t do that. She knows when it’s time to calm down, stretch out, curl up, let out a heavy sigh, and snooze. So take the cue and treat yourself to a nice guilt-free nap every once in awhile. I bet you’ve earned it.