Dealing with Doctors – The Crohn’s Saga Part 14

Dealing with Doctors, Hoot Deconstructed, crohn's disease, crohn's doctor, crohn's symptoms, crohn's flare, crohn's comic

“Dealing with Doctors” depicts a common scenario with Crohn’s Disease – there is a ton of waiting involved. I love my doctors, but this happens a lot and it’s very frustrating. During a flare, you feel lousy and antsy for something to change, but you usually have to wait to see if things get better or worse, or if a treatment will be effective. It usually takes 3-6 months to get a flare under control.

The symptoms in today’s comic may seem graphic, but that’s the reality of Crohn’s Disease. The best advice I can give when dealing with doctors is to be honest and curious. Don’t hold back when telling them what you are experiencing. Don’t hesitate to ask if there is something you want to know. Ask about diet, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle factors that are in your control. You are not totally helpless.