Hospital Heroes – The Crohn’s Saga Part 38

Hospital Heroes, The Crohn's Saga, Crohn's Disease, Crohns, Being Hospitalized, Nurses, Doctors, Interns

Today’s post is dedicated to the Hospital Heroes. Being in the hospital is painful, scary, and lonely. It’s the people that work there that make or break the experience. Overall, they genuinely care and knowing that somehow makes the entire experience ok.

So here’s the secret to being a patient – be nice. Seriously, you feel terrible and you want to get better and get out, but that’s no excuse to be impolite. I’ve seen so many people be nasty to nurses and staff. There’s no reason for it. Just be nice and these people who are already in your corner will be be your best advocates. Be grateful to doctors and nurses. Thank the custodial staff. The kindness and warmth you show will be returned to you. You’ll be taken care of and your stay will be that much easier. Trust me on this one. I’m the guy who by the end of my stay has nurses hanging out in his room during their coffee breaks just shooting the breeze. It’s the best.

And yes, I have to tease the interns as hospital heroes. They’re just so adorable. When I was  kid, their presence felt very invasive. Now I look forward to seeing them and answering their questions. When you think about it, you’re training the next generation of doctors. Help out future patients by helping them out. It can actually be fun.